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TOP 100 Historical Ranking Record for Week 45, 2024 (11/04 to 11/10)

NO name autoflag score
1 tang wen 3.614
2 W.Blore 75.74
3 W.Blore 78.956
4 W.Blore 82.486
5 W.Blore 86.562
6 W.Blore 86.656
7 W.Blore 89.637
8 W.Blore 91.181
9 W.Blore 93.132
10 W.Blore 93.524
11 W.Blore 94.01
12 W.Blore 94.381
13 W.Blore 97.744
14 Aesteria 97.909
15 W.Blore 98.013
16 W.Blore 99.46
17 W.Blore 100.158
18 W.Blore 101.336
19 W.Blore 101.354
20 Aesteria 101.844
21 W.Blore 102.077
22 W.Blore 102.313
23 Aesteria 102.358
24 Aesteria 102.765
25 W.Blore 103.284
26 Aesteria 107.546
27 W.Blore 110.466
28 W.Blore 111.867
29 W.Blore 112.395
30 Aesteria 112.607
31 Aesteria 114.107
32 Aesteria 114.485
33 W.Blore 114.505
34 W.Blore 114.78
35 W.Blore 115.288
36 W.Blore 115.8
37 W.Blore 117.098
38 Aesteria 119.279
39 匿名1 119.376
40 Aesteria 120.078
41 Aesteria 120.218
42 匿名1 124.126
43 匿名1 124.572
44 天蓬元帅 125.666
45 tang wen 125.948
46 Aesteria 128.07
47 W.Blore 128.491
48 天蓬元帅 128.867
49 天蓬元帅 129.058
50 W.Blore 129.645
51 W.Blore 131.694
52 W.Blore 131.851
53 Aesteria 133.067
54 天蓬元帅 134.508
55 W.Blore 134.978
56 GZ 135.417
57 shark 135.998
58 W.Blore 136.348
59 匿名1 136.981
60 GZ 137.242
61 W.Blore 139.6
62 匿名1 140.656
63 Aesteria 140.77
64 W.Blore 141.098
65 天蓬元帅 142.057
66 GZ 142.614
67 天蓬元帅 142.694
68 W.Blore 142.708
69 Aesteria 143.767
70 匿名1 144.176
71 匿名1 145.051
72 Aesteria 147.014
73 匿名1 149.821
74 Aesteria 157.446
75 tang wen 162.924
76 匿名1 166.149
77 tang wen 166.367
78 匿名1 169.554
79 tang wen 169.973
80 看见没 170.57
81 W.Blore 173.678
82 Aesteria 174.581
83 tang wen 176.117
84 匿名1 178.042
85 匿名1 178.869
86 匿名1 183.102
87 tang wen 186.375
88 W.Blore 205.095
89 Aesteria 208.609
90 Aesteria 235.006
91 看见没 261.934
92 W.Blore 272.385
93 看见没 316.025
94 shark 353.199
95 shark 490.439

Remarks:If you want to cheat, there is no way to stop you from acting recklessly. Your qualities and attitude constitute your excellent qualities.